Tulsa Divorce Attorney
Tulsa Divorce Information
How Can I Prepare for a Tulsa Custody Hearing?

Tulsa custody hearingIf you need to attend a Tulsa custody hearing, chances are you and the other parent are not in agreement on a custody arrangement. Knowing you are going to a courtroom to present your case as to why your custody schedule is in the best interests of your child can be overwhelming.

Many people have never set foot in a courtroom and spoken on record in front a judge. Knowing that you will be in an unfamiliar environment, advocating on your own behalf in hopes the court will listen, while also having to face the other parent can be downright terrifying.

We offer some great advice on preparing for Tulsa your custody hearing, so you know exactly what to expect and how to present yourself in a professional and reasonable manner.

How to Prepare

  • Understand Oklahoma’s Best Interests Statute. Oklahoma determines child custody based on the best interests of the child. The presumption the court starts with is that it is best for the child to have both parents involved. Judges award custody based on the parent that will foster “frequent and continuing contact” with the other parent.It is best to emphasize that you will support your child having contact with the other parent and will encourage communication. It is important to remember the court does not show preference over awarding custody to a mother over a father and vice versa. In addition, courts do not award custody based on educational plans, for example private versus public school.
  • Create a Parenting Plan. Creating a parenting plan with several different alternative schedules will communicate to the judge that not only are you reasonable, you really want what is best for your child. Begin by keeping notes on your child’s schedule and your schedule.What activities does your child wish to continue attending? What time does school start? What is a typical routine for your child?Consistency is important for children, so trying to maintain a consistent schedule is key.
  • Prepare Witnesses. You may or may not want to bring witnesses with you; however, if the other parent has brought your character into question it is always a good idea. Witnesses who can speak to your relationship with your child, your dependability, and your reasonableness is helpful. Examples include your child’s therapist, sport coaches, teachers, and neighbors.
  • Prepare Your Evidence. If you are bringing any evidence, such as declarations, doctor’s reports, social worker evaluations, etc., you need to bring three copies: one for yourself, one for the court, and one for the other parent. In addition, make sure if you are bringing any pictures, video recordings, or audio files, to have them cued up and ready to be played.The evidence you present should be factual and relevant to the Tulsa custody hearing. Be sure to emphasize why this evidence speaks to the best interests of your child.

These are the primary ways to prepare for your Tulsa custody hearing. Here are a few more ways to prepare.

Additional Ways to Prepare

  • Attend other hearings to get a feel for what to expect and what your judge will be like.
  • Always arrive early; it is better to be over prepared than rushing at the last minute.
  • Try to dress professionally; this is an important event and most judges appreciate the respect litigants show when they take the time to treat their courtroom seriously.
  • Do not get sidetracked on irrelevant emotional issues. Just stick to the facts when presenting your case.
  • Prepare questions for the other parent’s witnesses. You may need to “cross examine” the other parent’s witnesses to either refute or prove the facts they are presenting.
  • If you don’t know the answer to a question, it is better to say “I don’t know” than to make up an answer or answer in overly broad terms. You are not penalized for not being able to answer the judge’s questions and it will not make you look like an uncaring parent if you can’t answer a certain question.

Free Consultation with a Tulsa Divorce Lawyer

Preparing for a Tulsa custody hearing, especially if you have never attended one before, can be overwhelming. Having an advocate on your side who understands the law and the process can help ease your mind and prep you for not only a custody hearing, but also the entire custody process.

Contact an experienced Tulsa divorce attorney for help with child custody and expert representation for your divorce.

For a free, confidential consultation, call 918-924-5526 today.