Tulsa Divorce Attorney
Tulsa Divorce Information
What is Sole Custody in Oklahoma Family Law?

sole custody in OklahomaDivorce can be traumatic for parents and children. As parents move toward a Tulsa, Oklahoma divorce, the children of that union have to be taken care of.

It is the job of the court in Oklahoma to ensure that the best interests of the child are looked after when making custody decisions.

Legal custody refers to the issue of who is making decisions regarding the child. Legal custody may also be either joint or sole.

When ex-spouses are communicating well, joint legal custody can work, but when they are not, the court may award sole custody in Oklahoma to one of the parents. Fathers and mothers are equally capable of being awarded sole custody in Oklahoma.

FAQ: Sole Custody in Oklahoma

Custody refers much more than where a child lives. It also refers to the rights and duties of a parent to care for the child and make all the necessary decisions required to take care of the child.

These decisions include those made regarding medicine, doctors, schools, activities, and the like. There are two basic types of custody: physical and legal.

Physical custody refers to where a child lives. With joint physical custody, the parents continue to both provide a home for the child with time split between them. A child in this example may live with one parent one week and the other parent the following week.

With sole custody in Oklahoma, the children live with the parent, often referred to as the custodial parent, subject to reasonable visitation on the part of the non-custodial parent.

Factors In a Custody Determination In Oklahoma

Courts will look at a number of factors in deciding whether to award joint custody or sole custody in Oklahoma. Often, if both spouses agree to joint custody, it will usually be awarded.

When they disagree, the court may look at such factors as the relationship that the child has with each parent, the presence or absence of a prior history of domestic abuse, the stability of each parent’s work and home life, and the preferences of the child if the child is 12 years of age or older.

Prior conviction of a crime may have an impact on the court’s decision as well. If a parent has been in and out of jail, the court may be less inclined to award custody.

If a parent wrestles with addiction issues, the court is also less likely to award custody. Such issues can adversely affect the peace and stability of the home environment and may not be in the best interests of the child.

Free Consultation: Tulsa Child Custody Attorney

Your choice of a Tulsa divorce attorney is critical, especially regarding any issues about sole custody in Oklahoma. Before you retain our family law attorneys, you are invited to have a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation to help you determine whether our family law services can meet your particular needs.

For a free consultation with a Tulsa child custody attorney about your concerns, call the Divorce Law Office of Tulsa today at 918-924-5526.
