Tulsa Divorce Attorney
Tulsa Divorce Information
Will Courts Grant an Oklahoma Same Sex Divorce?

Oklahoma same sex divorceAlong with the right to marry in Tulsa, Oklahoma, comes the right to end that marriage.

On October 6, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Oklahoma’s appeal and the Tenth Circuit Court’s ruling went into effect, legalizing same-sex marriage in Oklahoma. There have been many same-sex marriages in Oklahoma since then.

Same-sex divorces were sure to follow. In fact, the first Oklahoma same sex divorce was granted in 2014

FAQ: Oklahoma Same Sex Divorce

Divorce is a difficult time for all families. It is a time of great personal pain and stress. It is also the ending of a financial relationship.

Many same-sex couples never thought that they would be able to marry. When same-sex marriage was finally legalized, many same-sex couples married.

Now some of those couples are having to go through the difficult process of Oklahoma same sex divorce, and many are not prepared — emotionally, financially, or mentally.

Additional Considerations

Oklahoma same sex divorce and marriage are still fairly new. If you are considering a same-sex divorce, it is important that you fully understand the process that divorce entails.

All the same rules apply in both marriage and divorce to same-sex couples as do to heterosexual couples. That means that all the same financial disclosures must be made; marital property and marital liabilities must also be divided.

Children must be assured of continuing contact with both parents. Issues of child custody, child support in Tulsa, and spousal support must all be decided.

Free Consultation: Tulsa Divorce Attorney

An Oklahoma same sex divorce can be a complicated matter. Hiring an experienced Tulsa divorce attorney is critical to make sure that the court is made aware of all the facts regarding your case.

Call the Divorce Law Office of Tulsa today at 918-924-5526 to make an appointment for your free consultation.
