Tulsa Divorce Attorney
Divorce of Tulsa Law Office Services
Affordable Divorce in Tulsa

cheap divorce in Tulsa

Ending a marriage can be a costly endeavor. Even without court costs and attorneys fees, spouses must often bear the costs of moving and setting up new households. If children are involved, costs formerly assimilated in a household budget can suddenly require cash outlays. It’s no surprise that so many couples are looking for a way to have an affordable divorce in Tulsa.

For some families, a cheap divorce is possible. When both spouses agree to sign the divorce documents, when they can reach an agreement on essential matters about dividing assets or debts and — when minor children are involved — they agree on matters related to child custody and child support, a cheap divorce or at least an affordable divorce is often possible. Because Divorce of Tulsa Law Office assists clients in many types of divorce, we’re often able to guide clients through a cheap divorce process. When there are no contested issues to be settled, a cheap divorce can sometimes also be a quick divorce, giving former partners the space to quickly get on with their lives after an unsuccessful marriage.

How Can A Lawyer Help With A Cheap Divorce?

Some Internet sites claim to offer non-attorney help for couples who seek a cheap divorce in Tulsa Oklahoma. They may offer “forms” that can be filed with a local court. What they can’t do is offer professional legal advice. Matters that are ignored during a hasty attempt to get a quickie divorce can sometimes backfire, becoming the basis for new conflict.

When spouses generally agree on terms of a divorce, an attorney can make sure all the bases are covered. Have you agreed on how to divide debts? Do you have a plan for settling the mortgage? Do you know how to compile a parenting plan? Divorce of Tulsa Law Office can help you quickly and systematically go through the checklist of pre-divorce and post-divorce requirements. We work in Tulsa County family courts on a a daily basis, so we’re prepared to carry documents into the right place. We can quickly quote filing fees and related costs so you’ll know exactly what to expect before you take that big step.

Sometimes, one spouse is simply unwilling to get involved in a divorce process, but neither are they eager to contest a divorce filing. If you want an affordable divorce that is as painless as possible for all involved, call us today for a free confidential consultation.

Free Consultation with a Tulsa Divorce Attorney

For a free consultation with a Tulsa divorce lawyer, call Divorce Law Office of Tulsa, or send us a question using the contact form on this page. For a free confidential consultation, call now: 918-924-5526
